Who we are





Our team works in project mode, staffing only the experts who are the most relevant to your needs. We have access to a wide variety of skills and sectors and we adapt to your specificities in order to deliver the best added value.
What brings us together: we are passionate, we challenge the status quo and share a strong desire to create sustainable team dynamics for the success of your projects!

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Anne Placet

The funding partner


Anne is convinced that people and collective intelligence are at the heart of the success of your organization. Creating strong engagement and passion, developing your people, is the best way to raise involvement, create strong dynamics and to spread creativity in problem-solving. Long-term success does not come without passion!

Anne graduated from ESSEC Business School (2001) and has more than 15 years of experience:

  • Brand management at Danone and SC Johnson for 7 years in Paris and London

  • Trainer at ESSEC Business School, ESCP Business School and in companies since 2011. She trains more than 500 people per year (including more than 75% of international profiles in English) and she likes creating games and competitions to involve and passionate her audience

  • Consultant in strategy & marketing, innovation and HR marketing for 6 years




  • Work with start-ups (Business Angels)

  • Put her furniture in storage and go 1 year around the world

  • Remove posters from the walls of the largest cities in the world and make paintings for her art exhibitions

  • Go to Berlin and stay there 6 months to sculpt and paint in an old, dusty but beautiful factory


  • Working with teams and nourishing teams’ dynamics

  • Creativity and art: after graduating from a MSC in Business and working in marketing for 7 years, she went for a BA in art history, then took some sculpture and painting classes at the Centrale Saint Martins College of the Arts in London and had worked as an artist in Berlin for 6 months

  • Gastronomy and Japanese authors

  • Multi-cultural and international environment: she has lived abroad for 7 years, visited 50

    countries and traveled around the world for 1 year


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